Your Practice Transformation Companion

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coping with COVID-19

These are stressful times impacting all of us both personally and professionally in different ways. Many of us have patients and loved ones we are worried about. Some are worried about childcare during a month of no school. A simple trip to the grocery store is no longer simple. Here are some quick tips to lessen the toll this might have on your mental health along with some great resources that might be helpful to you, your patients and your practice colleagues:

  • Maintain perspective - Don't panic but follow recommended precautions. This is serious but not the apocalypse 
  • Keep informed but choose your sources wisely  - politicized news sources are not always helpful ( Take breaks from the topic
  • Take care of your body (get plenty of fluids, exercise, healthy eating, rest and good sleep. Limit junk food, caffeine, alcohol)
  • Find ways to relax - (now is good time to start mindfulness meditation - my favorite apps are "Stop, Breathe and Think" and "Insight Timer". "CBT-I Coach" is great if you have insomnia. A good app for children is "Stop, Breathe & Think Kids") 
  • In a time of restrictions and social distancing find new ways to engage in meaningful and fun activities
  • Recognize and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns and negative ruminating 
  • Stay connected to others (even if virtually)

Coping Resources:

By: Lori Lackman Zeman, PhD, LP, ABPP
Board Certified Health Psychologist

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Get Your Colonoscopy Today!

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death but is highly preventable when caught early. How can you catch it early? Have a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is an exam used to find abnormalities and changes in the rectum and large intestine. It is a safe and simple procedure where a long, thin, flexible and lighted tube with a camera allows the doctor to view the inside of the colon. If polyps or other types of abnormal tissue are found, they can be removed at that time. Biopsies can also be taken during the exam.

Screening for colon cancer should start at age 50 if you are at average risk and with no other risk factors other than your age. There are other screening options besides a colonoscopy, but having one is the screening gold standard as it scans the entire colon.

What are some risk factors for colon cancer?
· Personal medical history (inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, ovarian/breast/endometrial cancers, previous colon cancer or polyps, and people of African American or Hispanic descent)
· Physical inactivity
· Being overweight or obese
· Hereditary risks (increased risk with a close relative who has had it)
· A diet high in red and/or processed meats, low fruit/vegetable intake
· Smoking
· Alcohol intake above moderation

How can you reduce your risk?
· Get recommended screenings
· Eat fruits and vegetables every day
· Aim for whole grains in bread, cereals, nuts and beans
· Limit red and processed meats
· Be physically active and aim for 30 minutes of activity 5-7 times a week
· Lose weight if you need to
· Stop smoking
· Limit your alcohol consumption

Why is it done?
· Investigate certain signs and symptoms you may be having such as abdominal pain, bleeding, chronic constipation or diarrhea
· If you’ve had polyps found on a previous colonoscopy, a follow-up one will look for and remove additional polyps

Information on how to do the prep will be given to you from your physician. It is done the day before the procedure to clean out the colon. There are tips that can help manage your time prepping for the procedure.

Sedation is given during the colonoscopy, so you don’t have discomfort. You’ll be able to discuss anesthesia options with the anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist prior to the procedure.

Be sure to check with your insurance company if you have a co-pay or deductible or other cost sharing for the procedure. You might also want to check if they offer any incentives for having a screening.

For this March Colorectal Awareness month, don’t put off a colonoscopy any longer. Talk to your doctor for your options and get it scheduled pronto.