Did you turn
the calendar to 2021 as quickly as you could? For the first time ever, I put my
new 2021 calendar into its wall holder at midnight on January 1, 2021. This horrible,
painful, uncertain, challenging, roller coaster year couldn’t end quick enough.
It has given me scars that will last for years. Going forward I will never have
enough disinfecting wipes in my closet and I’ll most likely wear a mask at the
airport even once it isn’t required. But as hard as this year was, I didn’t
lose as much as others did and I am grateful.
We can never
minimalize what this incredibly difficult year has done to so many people. But
with all the bad, some good things did happen in 2020 because of the pandemic.
- Health care workers have always been and will always be heroes. We can never thank them enough for what they and their families have gone through in this pandemic.
- Teachers finally got the praise and recognition they have long deserved. Families discovered that homeschooling is hard, and teachers are heroes.
- Truck drivers, farmers, grocery store workers stayed on the job to keep our economy going. They are heroes, too.
- Two COVID-19 vaccines have been approved. Three more vaccines have clinical trials (Phase 3) in-progress or being planned.
- Millions of us stayed at home without parties, social gatherings, vacations, and time with our extended family and friends to help reduce the spread of the virus. It has been frustrating, depressing and isolating, but it was the biggest selfless act of love ever given from one human being to another. Many discovered that quarantine time ended up being bonus time with their families that they normally didn’t have due to busy lives.
- Small acts of kindness happened around the world as we stopped and smelled the roses.
we don’t have much longer to go until there is some normalcy to our lives again.
We are all looking forward to that time. I asked coworkers three questions about
2020: what they have learned from 2020, in what ways have their lives changed
for the better and what are they most looking forward to in 2021. Silver
linings do exist and some of them are written below. Thank you to everyone who
participated and bared their soul. You have all been inspiring. Here’s to a
happier and healthier 2021!
What have you learned from 2020?
Rachel. I have learned that both myself and my family are
resilient. I have learned that we can all adapt better than I ever expected. I
have learned that things don't have to be perfect to be functional. I have
learned that there is beauty in the chaos, and kindness is a JOY to spread. I
have found my love for reading again. I learned to play more, and I realize
that being outdoors is therapeutic for me...even the snow!
Denise. I have learned an easy, good recipe for bread
after making several recipes, new cookies to make neither of these is a good
thing! Patience with a new puppy and training/command skills.
Learned to appreciate my home more, every room and everything in my home during
so much time at home. Thankful I have a home, heat, food, and family. Learned
new things about my husband and daughter during so much time spent together.
Appreciated working at MNO even more, thankful I have a job I can work at home
during a pandemic.
Erica. Don't take the "little things" for granted.
Yang. Since the pandemic, I learned a lot of things but most
importantly to protect your loved ones. I know a lot of people have been
affected by coronavirus and what it does to people emotionally and
physically. I hope we can go back to normal, but I believe this will be the
"new normal" for us. Be safe and mask up!!
Anonymous. With all the circumstances that have transpired this year,
every day I find myself rereading a plaque someone gave me a few years
ago. It reads, “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”
So, my eyes will look forward…I am thankful for my family and my life.
Ginny. Life and health are
gifts to be appreciated. Technology is a gift! So is help dealing with it!
Most aspects in 2020 unfortunately seemed to be politicized which impacted
attitudes. This virus, although being vicious, became a source of blame
rather than unity. Wondered how necessary all the shutdowns were as fiscal
issues are terrifying. Children are stressed over all the changes in
school. There’s more depression, anxiety and sadness in people.
In what ways has your life changed for the better?
Rachel. I have had more time with my family. With keeping plans to
a minimal my little family of four has more time together which I was craving!
Denise. My life
has changed for the better in that I appreciate SEEING coworkers on Zoom
more than I could imagine. I realized how much less my family can live
with. Walking alone or with friend or family is really a joy. I need to walk
more often. Talking on the phone with friends instead of sending a quick
text is truly so much better. A slower day to day life is very sweet, more
things seen and appreciated. Like a light turned on in my life.
Erica. I have learned a lot about gratitude, gratefulness,
optimism, and hope!
Ginny. Staying home allowed for more
time to clean and organize house. Zooming with family in order to see
them. Focus on hand washing and self-protection more.
What are you most looking forward to in 2021?
Rachel. HUGGING PEOPLE! I am a hugger and I miss
that terribly! Travel, vacations, big parties, loud houses!!
Denise. Looking forward to being
together with coworkers without fear of COVID-19. To the freedom of being with
ALL my family and hugging freely. Cautiously look forward to travel.
Freely entertaining friends and family. Helping people in neighborhood,
church wherever needed without worry of the virus. Look forward to
participating in health fairs again with coworkers. Cautiously looking
forward to COVID-19 vaccine for everyone.
Erica. Hopefully, the opportunity to be able to safely get
together with family and friends and resuming life pre-COVID.
Anonymous. It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the
fight and rising up to daily challenges into the night!
Ginny. Seeing family in
person! Hopefully, less stress and fear and more freedoms!
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